Can you help young people gain skills for life through activities and adventures? Do you have a skill or a hobby that you would be willing to share?
We are looking for volunteers who are interested in supporting our group:
- have you previously run a scout group,
- would you like to lead or assist with the troop,
- are you a parent with a young person in cubs or beavers,
- do you have a child who you want to have the opportunities that scouting offers,
- could you help occasionally,
- are you new to the area and want to make friends?
You would not be taking this on alone, as a group our leaders support each other’s activities and would welcome and support new helpers with training provided.
If scouts (age 10 and a half to 14 and a half) aren’t quite for you but you would be interested in assisting with cubs (8-10 and half) or beaver (age 6 to 8) we would welcome you.
If you would like to come and visit our cub or beaver meetings to see if it is for you, we will be outside for the rest of this term at Standon and Puckeridge Community Centre on Tuesday evenings, or around and about in Braughing on Wednesday’s evening please contact us.
Not sure how you’d like to help yet, or how much time you have to give? Don’t worry.
We can be flexible, as we are also looking for volunteers with skills to help our group regenerate after the pandemic. There are roles not directly involving the young people. We are particularly keen to find a new treasurer as our the current one retires after 10 years very soon, help with publicity, or help organise an activity?
Are you interested in music? Our scout band would welcome your help (once we are allowed to play again), you will have seen us leading the carnival parades in Buntingford and Ware or Remembrance Services in Braughing and Standon.
Getting involved may help you gain new skills useful for a career change.
Contact us via email at